Deployment Steps – Portal

Deployment steps “Portal”

The following steps are required to deploy the portal component. The portal component will be deployed in principle on the same server as the enterprise server.

  • Download the installer from
  • Run the installer, retrieve the available components and install the “Webportal” component
  • Once the installation is completed, goto C:\Websitepanel\Webportal and remove all files except for the web.config and the C:\Websitepanel\Webportal\AppData\SiteSettings.config
  • Copy all files from the deployment package “WebPortal” folder into the C:\Websitepanel\WebPortal folder.
  • In order to verify the proper working, use IE and browse to: This should load without any error message and show the following form:


Secure Portal

Obviously publishing the portal through SSL is advised, when doing so make sure the cookies used by the portal are encrypted as well through modifying the web.config of the portal webapplication by modifying the following line

<authentication mode=”Forms”>

<forms name=”.WEBSITEPANELPORTALAUTHASPX” protection=”All” timeout=”30″ path=”/” requireSSL=”true” ….


Set the attribute “requireSSL” to true. If no SSL is used and this line is set to “true” it will not be possible to login, it that case ensure this attribute is set to his default value “false”.