Update Web Site Panel to latest build

To perform a manual update to an existing (or greater) installation you need to follow this steps.

Inventory list of servers to Update. Log into your current Web Site Panel and go to the tab Configuration then Servers to get a list of all servers that need to have the update.

Download latest Manual Update ZIP file.

Manual for update WebsitePanel

Unzip the content of the update file. The ZIP file contains 3 folders and a SQL script to perform the update that needs to be unzipped on a temp folder.

Perform a backup of the WebsitePanel directory. Right-click over the folder C:\WebsitePanel\ and send to a ZIP file to have a backup of all files before getting replaced with the upgrade files.
Logon to SQL Server Management Studio and backup current WebsitePanel Database.

In SQL studio identify the database used by WSP (Default name is WebsitePanel) and right click on it, then go to Tasks and perform backup.

Open the provided SQL script on SQL Management Studio. Go to file, then Open and locate the unzipped SQL script in the temp folder.

Insert the script in the database

On the opened script and rename the 1st line of the query inside the brackets [${install.database}] with the name of the database to be updated as shown in the following screenshot (For this example we used default database name WebsitePanel).

Put the name of your data base

Execute the script.

Click on Execute in the query window to update the database.A confirmation will be displayed in the bottom showing Query executed Successfully, then close SQL Management Studio. Replace the folders with Updated Files in order starting by Enterprise Service.

Please note the name of the unzipped folders EnterpriseServer which needs to be renamed to Enterprise Server (adding the space) in the Temp folder before replacing the one in production.

Once the folder has been renamed copy the 3 of them to the folder C:\Websitepanel\ selecting to Copy and replace any existing file so it can update all files that require to be updated. Perform this step on all servers found in the 1st step of this guide.

Enterprise Service

Verify the version of the updated website panel. Log on back to your website panel and go to Configuration – Servers and then click on any of the servers listed. The site version will show up in the right bottom.

Configurations Server

The update has been completed successfully.